Risen City Church is a multi-cultural church on the West Side of Charleston, West Virginia. We are a community of believers that long to see Jesus worshipped and glorified by sharing the gospel through our words and actions. At Risen City Church, we desire to see our community’s spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional needs met in a way that brings honor to God. This is why we offer community resources, such as programming for students, resources for parents, and various other activities aimed at connecting members of the community and enhancing the overall quality of life on Charleston’s West Side. Our love for God compels us to love his creation, no matter their background or present-day circumstances. We are imperfect people gathering to worship a perfect Creator.
Mission Statement: “We actively pursue faithful proclamation of the gospel and in tangible works of Mercy that will bless all the citizens of our city. But our hope is not ultimately in the revitalization of it. We hope and work for better schools, better streets, better police relations, better jobs, etc. But even if this never happens, we are confident that God has His people here, and that not one of them will perish…”
From One the Block – Doug Logan